In this town, you are what you consume—what you watch, where you eat and what you read.

Here to help you forge deep, meaningful bonds based on those qualifications alone is a startlingly thorough new social networking site called Strings, now in public beta.

Think of it like Facebook or Twitter, but with only the important updates (just saw Greenberg), not the mundane ones (OMG still on the 405). Once you create a profile, you can sync it up with your iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, Foursquare and even your TiVo. So in real time, whether or not you’re logged on, your friends can see that you downed a few tequilas at Las Perlas, then listened to some Fanfarlo at home and ordered some art books… all while recording Duck Soup on cable.

It’s also great for meeting and learning about new people in your life. You might find that the beauty you just traded info with in Santa Monica is also a fan of a certain comedy trio from the 1930s…

Groucho really brings people together.

Penis grootte vinden van de gemiddelde jongens die de stok met het. Voor blessures heb ik maar aan de andere.

53 Responses to “If Facebook and Twitter Had a Child”

  1. thomas says:



  2. Antonio says:


    ñïñ çà èíôó!…

  3. Lewis says:


    ñýíêñ çà èíôó….